Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wow ,it has been some time since an update ,but I procrastinate and I will get to that later...LOL
The end of summer brought more miles on #249 and a call came from MOTH and they wanted her in for the 3000 mile service. Seems the flying Docs don't want to arrive for just one car ,so they schedule as many as they can for their service visits. Don Young had a PEU meltdown which prompted them to make some calls to arrange service. Personally ,my service came and went without a hitch ,but they called a few day later to tell me the car would have to be brought in again for a bad battery module (it would be up to a week ,since they would have to send her out). I did request a loaner ,to which I was told they would call in a few days when they got a loaner for me to use. Not for nothing ,but since the 3k service ,the car has been almost perfect,charging and driving have been incredible . Maybe it does have a bad module , but my wife and I went to NJ to the East Coast Meeting last Sunday which was a total of 208.20 miles and I did not detect anything wrong. Now personally ,I don't mind them taking the car to make it better ,but after the call I was a bit hesitant about driving too far. I really want to see how far I can't go ,if you know what I mean. The dealer has not called back yet anyway ,maybe they called me when they really meant to contact someone else?
I would like to get a second charger to have at work available to any Pioneer who would like to use it . Which put in my mind the thought of having a Long Island MINI E meeting . I know there would need to be charging capability in the area . The charger at my house is one ,I would like to contact another pioneer who is in the vicinity ,then ,if I get a public one for work ,would make three chargers in a ten mile area,which would be much better than a single one . My wife and I had a bit of a wait for a charge when we went to Montclair on 11/8/09 . It seems that the biggest road block is the lack infrastructure to charge the cars. But we all know that anyway.
MINI sent their weekly e-mail about the cars and said they will suppl;y us with winter tires free for the winter! Oh,they also said we can get the MINI E stickers for the side of the car ,just like the show vehicles.Count me in!


  1. Forgotten which, but one of the MINI E websites I added to my blogroll yesterday, has a map of where the cars are across the country ...

  2. Found it ...
