Thursday, August 6, 2009

Here I am left wondering again. This morning I went out tto the garage and unplugged #249 ,started her up and the battery meter went to 99% . Alright ,maybe if I plugged her in for a little longer it might make up that last 1% of charge. Plugged her in and the yellow light flashed ,the fan started to blow and it seemed to be charging more. Came out about half an hour later and everything had stopped. Fine I thought it got that last bit in and it will be at 100%. Wrong . The meter now went to 74% but as it sat the meter went up to 84% before starting to fall again. Now at work and with 13.2 mile driven the meter is at 74%. Maybe it will come back up while sitting.The car doesn't have too far to go so I'm not worried about range,just why is a full charge so elusive.

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