Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lots of Rain and I'm still here.

Wow ,it is a crappy June here on Long Island . I have driven the car in the rain more than sunshine. No puddles of charged water have been seen to electrocute me if I step into the car while it is raining.Someone at BMW (notice where the car was produced?) did their work ,and just having it for a few days makes me sad to think it will be gone and just a memory in such a short time.
I was on Sound Avenue coming to work this AM (around 8am) and there was a truck in front of me going around 30 mph (limit 45) I went to the left to see why it was going so slow ,and there was another truck in front with its hazard lights on. When the chance came to pass ,I hit the accelerator
and was launched to around 80 mph ,passing both trucks with ease. It was like getting shot out of a cannon!
Probably not authorized to do ,but it is an experiment ,Right? I found if you put her in neutral while at speed over 50 mph the damn thing will coast for what seems forever if you are on level ground. I coasted for about 3/4 mile before I put her back in drive and used the regen to slow to a stop. Cold I be on to a mileage stretcher? What does everyone think about this? Have you tried it ? If you haven't ,maybe you should . It might increase range . I got to work 15.2 miles and it showed I still had 92 miles range left after a 90% charge .Go figure.

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